Anomaly Densities

When working with UXO and MEC related data, it is often desirable to use the density of anomalies on a map. Kriging, the most common method of estimating the anomaly densities over a site, requires point values as input.  However, usually only transect locations, such as course-over-ground (COG) data, and anomaly locations are available.  VSP converts transect and anomaly locations into point estimates of anomaly density by dividing the number of anomalies by the transect area within a spatial "window".  The "Anomaly Density" points become the inputs to the Kriging process.

These points can be displayed by selecting the "Anomaly Densities" setting on the Layer Control bar.  They can also be exported to a text file by right-clicking on the setting.  The output text file contains 3 columns of data:  X Coordinate, Y Coordinate and Density (in anomalies/acre).