MARSSIM Uranium DCGLw Entry

This dialog allows you to enter the Uranium Series.  Note: the picture below is for the Natural Uranium Series. This dialog is also used for Depleted or Enriched Uranium (DU or EU), but the data entry works the same.

The appropriate setup of radionuclides is discussed in Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (EPA 2000). This document is currently available at:

The dialog contains the following controls:

Surface Soil radio button

Select to enter the DCGLw in pCi/g units for surface soil.

Building Surface radio button

Select to enter the DCGLw in dpm/100cm2 units for building surfaces.

U-234 DCGLw

Enter the DCGLw for the U-234 isotope in the specified units.

U-235 DCGLw

Enter the DCGLw for the U-235 isotope in the specified units.

U-238 DCGLw

Enter the DCGLw for the U-238 isotope in the specified units.

Lookup NRC Value button

Click this button to automatically set the DCGLw to the screening value from NRC NUREG 1757 Table H.2 for surface soil.  Note: this option is not available for building surfaces.

Modified U-238 DCGLw radio button

Select to use the Modified U-238 DCGLw that is calculated from the 3 isotopes. This is the option for all but highly-enriched uranium (>3% U-235 isotope by weight).

Total U DCGLw radio button

Select to use the Total Uranium DCGLw that is calculated from the 3 isotopes. This option is recommended for highly-enriched uranium (>3% U-235 isotope by weight).



EPA. 2000. Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM). NUREG-1575, Rev. 1, EPA 402-R-97-016, Rev.1, DOE/EH-0624, Rev. 1. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Quality Assurance Division, Washington DC.

NRC. 2006. Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance: Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria. NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev. 1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Washington, DC.