Estimate the Mean menu commands

The Estimate the Mean menu offers the following commands:

Data not required to be normally distributed

Stratified sampling

Calculates the number of samples needed to estimate the mean over several strata and places them on the map using simple random sampling or systematic grid sampling.

Ranked set sampling

Calculates the number of samples and field ranking locations needed to estimate the mean using ranked set sampling and places the field ranking locations on the map using simple random sampling.

Collaborative Sampling

Collaborative Sampling (sometimes called Double Sampling) uses a larger number of less expensive analytical method measurements in collaboration with a smaller number of more expensive analytical method measurements to reduce overall measurement costs needed to estimate the mean.

Can assume data will be normally distributed

Adaptive cluster sampling

Divides the sample area into grid cells and chooses the number of grid cells needed to estimate the mean.  It allows follow-up sampling to delineate the extent of contamination.