Graph Options menu commands

The Graph Options menu offers the following commands:

Display Cost

Display cost on any graph axis that would otherwise display the number of samples.

Display Cross Hairs

Display an interactive cross-hair that allows the user to see the X and Y values for any point on the graph.

Display Current Value

Displays a cross-hair that corresponds to the current X or Y value produced by the current sampling design.

Probability of Correct Decision

Displays the probability of a correct decision in place of a decision performance goal diagram.

Prospective Power

Displays the estimated power to reject the null hypothesis based on the MARSSIM design parameters.

Retrospective Power

Displays the estimated power to reject the null hypothesis based on the actual MARSSIM sampling results.

MQO Method Comparison

Displays a bar graph that shows the relative costs of MQO sampling design alternatives.

Barnard's Log Likelihood Ratio

Displays a plot of Barnard's Log Likelihood Ratio (which is the test statistic used in Barnard's sequential t-Test)

Plot Linear Regression

Displays the linear regression plot (available for collaborative sampling designs).

Pick UXO Graph

Choose which of the saved UXO graphs to display on the Report view.


Note: These options are available as a popup menu by right-clicking on the graph view.