VSP Report Formatting

All VSP Format Codes and Pre-processor commands are case sensitive.


Format Codes

Format codes provide formatting to otherwise plain text. For the most part, these codes do not rely on, or provide specific access to program information.


Insert graph.


Begin bold font (see note 1)


End bold font (see note 1)


Begin table column (see note 3). If r follows c, cell contents will be right-justified.


Begin table column with n number of columns joined together horizontally (see note 3)


Begin table column with n number of columns joined together vertically (with rows below) (see note 3)


End table column (see note 3)

{color[bk] red, green, blue}

Begin text color. If the literal string bk is present this indicates the color code applies to the text background. red , green, and blue are integers in the range 0-255 and indicate the intensity of the corresponding color component. (See note 1)


End text color (see note 1)

{dn[:analyte[,set]] [!ana1,ana2]}

Insert diagram. analyte is an integer that indicates which analyte to use for the plot. set is an integer that indicates which data set to use.


indicates diagram type:




Box and Whiskers plot


Q-Q plot


Time vs. Data plot (Linear fit)


Time vs. Residual plot (Linear fit)


Analyte Correlation plot using analyte numbers ana1 and ana2


Censored Box plot


Censored Probability plot


Time vs. Data plot (Exponential fit)


Time vs. Residual plot (Exponential fit)


Lowess plot


 Variogram data and model


Time series plot


Iterative thinning plot


Temporal redundancy variogram plot


Spatial redundancy RMSE plot



Insert the formula (bitmap) number n. The bitmap corresponds to an image file in the Bitmaps folder. (see note 1)


Begin Greek font (see note 1)


End Greek font (see note 1)


Hanging paragraph n tabs deep, where n is an integer like 2 (see note 2)


Begin header font (see note 1)


End header font (see note 1)


Begin italic font (see note 1)


End italic font (see note 1)


Begin link; string text provides either a web address or a context block name (see Pre-processor commands), depending on type of file. (see note 1)


End link (see note 1)


Line break


 Insert kriging result map using string text as a caption. n=0 for Kriged Values, n=1 for kriged variances. Include l to display legend.


Insert map using string text as a caption.


Insert Current Room View using string text as a caption.


Begin new paragraph


Insert Probability / Uncertainty map number n.


Begin table row (see note 3)


End table row (see note 3)


Begin subscript font (see note 1)


End subscript font (see note 1)


Begin table (see note 3)


End table (see note 3)




Begin superscript font (see note 1)


End superscript font (see note 1)


Insert Well Redundancy map number n.


Mentor checkbox with identification number n. imgu is the unchecked image and imgc is the checked image. Images correspond to bitmap files in the Mentor folder. Type is RB for radio button and CB for check box.


Note 1:

These tags must be matched with a begin and an end. End tags must match the reverse order of the begin tags – otherwise a crash may occur. Example of correct usage: {g}{s}{i}{b}text{/b}{/i}{/s}{/g}

Note 2:

Hanging paragraphs end with next Line Break {l} or Paragraph {p}.

Note 3:

Columns can exist only within rows. Each row must contain at least one column. Rows can only exist within tables. Each table must contain at least one row. Tables cannot be nested.