Draw Room (Room menu)

This allows you to draw a room on the map. It begins by turning on the drawing guide if it is not already turned on.

Drawing a room begins by creating a simple rectangle by clicking on one corner and then the other corner. All points are snapped to the drawing guide.


Next, you can Right-Click on edge of the room to insert a new point.


Once you have inserted a point on an edge, you can grab a section of the wall and drag it to change the shape of the room.


Instead of drawing the map, you can enter the exact dimension of the room by typing on the keyboard: L x W x H. (As you are typing you will see the characters on the status bar .) For example, type:


Will create a room that is 12 feet long, 10 feet wide and 8 feet high.


Toolbar: image\toolroomdraw.gif