Sample Data Format

Sample data is ASCII text and has one sample per line. Export data is delimited by tab characters. Import data may be delimited by tabs or commas (tabs are best).

Note: The easiest way to create import data is to first export some existing data and use that as the basis of import data.

Normal Sample export data has the following columns:


X Coord

X coordinate of sample

Y Coord

Y coordinate of sample


(Name of the sample)


(Reading, analysis result, or quantity associated with the sample)


(Hotspot, Random, Adaptive-Fill, Manual, Unknown, Systematic, Perimeter)


(True, False)

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. The X and Y coordinate columns are required. If the coordinates do not match an existing sample, a new sample is added. If the X and Y coordinates match an existing sample to within 0.001 map units, the existing sample is updated with the new Label, Value, and Historical Flag. No other attributes can be changed for an existing sample.


Ranked Set Sampling export data has the following columns:


X Coord

X coordinate of sample

Y Coord

Y coordinate of sample


(Name of the sample)


(Reading, analysis result, or quantity associated with the sample)


Ranked Set


(Cycle number for this sample)


(Set number for this sample)

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. If the X and Y coordinates match an existing sample to within 0.001 map units, the existing sample is updated with the new Label and Value. No other attributes can be changed. New Ranked Set samples cannot be imported.


Adaptive Cluster Sampling export data has the following columns:


X Center

(X coordinate of center of grid cell)

Y Center

(Y coordinate of center of grid cell)


(Name of the sample)


(Reading, analysis result, or quantity associated with the sample)




(Grid row number)


(Grid column number)


(Iteration or batch number: original samples are iteration #0, follow up samples are #1 or greater)


(Network # to which this grid cell belongs)

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. If the X and Y coordinates match an existing sample to within 0.001 map units, the existing sample is updated with the new Label and Value. No other attributes can be changed. New Adaptive Cluster samples cannot be imported, however changing the Value can cause neighboring grid cells to be added or removed.


Collaborative Sample export data has the following columns:


X Coord

X coordinate of sample

Y Coord

Y coordinate of sample


(Name of the sample)

Inex Value

(Reading, analysis result, or quantity associated with the Inexpensive measurement method)

Exp Value

(Reading, analysis result, or quantity associated with the Expensive measurement method)




Which methods are used for this sample: Inex or Inex + Exp

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. The X and Y coordinate columns are required. If the coordinates do not match an existing sample, a new sample is added. If the X and Y coordinates match an existing sample to within 0.001 map units, the existing sample is updated with the new Label, Inex Value, Exp Value, and Methods data. No other attributes can be changed for an existing sample.


Transect Sampling export data has the following columns:



Transect center X coordinate (Beginning Point)


Transect center Y coordinate (Beginning Point)


Transect center X coordinate (Ending point)


Transect center Y coordinate (Ending point)


(Transect, Compliance Transect, Meandering Transect)


Transect Width


Marked for testing (True, False)


Length of transect from Beginning Point to Ending Point

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. If the X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 coordinates match an existing sample to within 0.001 map units, the existing sample is updated with the new Type, Width, and Marked Flag. No other attributes can be changed. If the coordinates do not match an existing transect, a new transect is added.


Composite sample data

Composite sample data associated with perimeter samples can be exported and imported. Each line of data contains the sample information for a single composite sample of a perimeter sampling design. To avoid confusion, a composite header should precede the data. The composite header has the format: Composites Area X, where X is an integer that represents the sample area (e.g. 1). Composite sample data has the following format:



Segment number

1st Samp

Name of first sample in the segment (for import data, may be any sample in the segment)

On Perim

Whether the segment is on the current active perimeter (True, False)


Set Segment set number (1 = segment on original perimeter, 2 = bump out from original segment, etc.)


Whether the composite sample is the original 0 or a duplicate 1


The heading contains the analyte name (TNT, RDX, etc.). The column contains the analyte value

Import data may be in any order, but if they are not in the default order then column headings must be used. If the Seg column matches the segment number in the current area or the 1st Samp column matches the name of a sample, the analyte values are updated. No other composite attributes can be changed.