Sampling Goals menu

The Sampling Goals menu offers the following commands:

Compare Average to Fixed Threshold

Calculates number of samples needed to compare a sample mean or median against a predetermined threshold and places them on the map.

Compare Average to Reference Average

Calculates number of samples needed to compare a sample mean or median against a reference mean or median and places them on the map.

Estimate the Mean

Calculates number of samples needed to estimate the population mean and places them on the map.

Construct Confidence Interval on Mean

Calculates number of samples needed to find a confidence interval on a mean and places them on the map.

Locate Hot Spots (Contiguous areas of contamination)

Use systematic grid sampling to locate a Hot Spot.

Show that at least some high % of the sampling area is acceptable

Calculates the number of samples needed to demonstrate with confidence that some high percentage of the sampling area is acceptable (uncontaminated).

Discover Unacceptable Grid Cells

Discover with high probability the presence of unacceptable grid cells if they exist.

Combined Average and Individual Measurement Criteria

Compares the number of samples required to compare averages to criteria and the number of samples required to compare individual measurements to criteria.

Detect a Trend

Determines the number of samples necessary to detect a trend in values over time. Also performs trend analysis on data collected over time.

Identify Sampling Redundancy

Determine whether spatial or temporal redundancies exist in the current data set.

Add Sampling Locations to Reduce Spatial Uncertainty

Use geostatistical analysis to identify locations where acquisition of new data can best lower overall spatial uncertainty.

Compare Proportion to Fixed Threshold

Calculates number of samples needed to compare a proportion to a given proportion and places them on the map.

Compare Proportion to Reference Proportion

Calculates number of samples needed to compare two proportions and places them on the map.

Construct Confidence Interval on Proportion

Calculates number of samples needed to construct a confidence interval on a proportion and places them on the map.

Estimate the Proportion

Calculates number of samples needed to estimate the population proportion and places them on the map.

Establish Boundary of Contamination

Determine whether contamination has migrated across the boundary.

UXO Guide to VSP Designs and Analysis

A step-by-step guide to choosing the correct design for an unexploded ordnance (UXO) site.

Remedial Investigation (UXO)

Designs that are useful for investigating an unexploded ordnance (UXO) site.

Find Impact Areas (UXO)

Traverse and detect an elliptical impact area using transect sampling.

Analyze Spatial Anomaly Data (UXO)

Analyze the spatial data collected on an unexploded ordnance (UXO) site.

Post Remediation Verification Sampling (UXO)

Assess degree of confidence in unexploded ordnance (UXO) presence.


Not implemented yet

Sampling within a Building

Determine if surfaces of rooms or buildings are contaminated.

Radiological Transect Surveying

Use transect sampling designs to locate hot spots or areas of elevated radiological readings.

Item Sampling

Sample individual items to determine whether the percentage of the entire population is acceptable.

Non-statistical sampling approach

Allows samples to be added to the map without the guidance of statistical methods.

Last Design

Brings up sampling goal dialog of last sampling design applied to the project.