View menu commands

The View menu offers the following commands:

Main Toolbar

Shows or hides the main toolbar.

Map Drawing Toolbar

Shows or hides the toolbar used for drawing on maps.

Ranked Set Toolbar

Shows or hides the toolbar used for ranked set sampling.

MI Toolbar

Shows or hides the toolbar used for displaying multiple increment samples.

Room Toolbar

Shows or hides the toolbar used for rooms.

Layer Bar

Shows or hides the layer control bar.

Property Bar

Shows or hides the property control bar.

Status Bar

Shows or hides the status bar.




Shows or hides the sample labels on the map.

Largest Unsampled Spots

Shows or hides the largest un - sampled spots.

All Grid Cells

Shows or hides all grid cells used for adaptive cluster sampling.

Grid Lines

Shows or hides the grid lines associated with grid cell samples.

Grid Cell Corners

Shows or hides the grid cell corner coordinates on the coordinate view.

Leading Edge

Shows only the leading edge of an open-type sample area.

Map Scale

Shows or hides the coordinate scale on the map.

Map Legend

Shows or hides the map size legend.

North Arrow

Show or hides the north arrow in the current Map view or Room view.

Color Legend

Shows or hides the color legends.


Shows or hides certain transect features.




Shows or hides anomaly markers on the map for UXO designs.


Shows or hides transects on the map for UXO designs.

Target Markers

Shows or hides target marker flags on the map for UXO designs.

Anomaly Densities

Shows or hides the anomaly densities that are generated for UXO geostatistics.

Outlier Markers

Shows or hides the outlier markers.



Room Perspective Ceiling

Shows or hides the perspective ceiling in the current room view.

Sample Lines to Floor

Shows or hides lines from ceiling samples down to floor in 3D View.




Change current project view to map view.


Change current project view to graph view.


Change current project view to report view.


Change current project view to coordinate view.


Change current project view to room view.


Change current project view to 3-Dimension view.



Zoom In

Increase the map view size.

Zoom Out

Decrease the map view size.

Zoom Max

Change map view size to fit window.

Zoom Window

Increase map view size to selected area.


Move the visible portion of the map.


Rotate the 3D view.