Test Sub-page for Barnard's Sequential test

This sub-page of the Data Analysis page displays results of specific tests on the data values from the Data Entry Sub-page.

This page contains the following controls / displays:

Significance Level for Normality Test

Normal Distribution Test

VSP conducts a Shapiro-Wilk normality test if there are fewer than 50 selected data values; otherwise a Lilliefors normality test is conducted.

Barnard's Sequential t-Test

VSP conducts the statistical test and displays the results. The results displayed include: the test statistic (the Log-Likelihood ratio), the Barnard's upper and lower bounds and whether or not a decision (reject or accept the null hypothesis) can yet be made.


Barnard, G.A. 1952 . The Frequency Justification of Certain Sequential Tests. Biometrika 39: pp 144-150.

ProUCL. 2004 . ProUCL Version 3.0 User Guide April 2004. Available for download from http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/tsc/tsc.htm