Load Background Picture (Map menu)

This command loads a picture to be displayed as a backdrop for the sampling design map. At this time, there is no way to adjust the angle of the picture or the angle of the coordinate system within Visual Sample Plan. Therefore, the picture must be exactly aligned with north at the top and south at the bottom.

After loading the picture, you must either Load a World File or go through the picture calibration process in order to match locations on the map with points on the picture.

Multiple background pictures can be loaded in one map. Background images are displayed in the order they are loaded, so the last image loaded will be drawn over any previously loaded images if they overlap. The Layer Control can be used to show or hide each background image and to adjust its transparency.

It is helpful to change the transparency setting on the Sample Area's Property Bar so that sampling locations can be seen against the background picture.

Supported picture formats: bmp, gif, jpg, emf, wmf, png and tif/tiff (including Geo-referenced TIFF).