Modifying the Project

The main features of Visual Sample Plan are the sampling design dialogs that are accessible from the Sampling Designs menu. The usefulness of the sampling design dialogs can be enhanced through the use of the map, graph, report, and coordinate views. (A quick way to see all view types at once is to use the Window / Quad Window menu command.)

Map View

The map view may show a real or imaginary site. The map may contain one or more sample areas. Sample areas may contain one or more samples (sample location). When the map is displayed, you can interact with the project in the following ways:

Load a map

(Map / Load Map menu)

Draw an object on the map

(Map / Draw menu)

Move points on the map

(Shift-click on map)

Import or Export Sample Locations

(Map / Sample Points menu)

Export the map

(Map / Export menu)

Zoom in or out

(View / Zoom menu)

Create Sample Areas

(Edit / Sample Areas menu)

Copy the map to the clipboard

(Edit / Copy menu)

View / Edit sample labels and values

(right-click on sample location)

View / Edit sample area information

(right-click on sample area)

Change sample shapes

(Edit / Samples menu)

Change sample areas

(Right-click on Sample Area to access Sample Area Information dialog)


You can copy a picture of the map to the clipboard by using the Edit / Copy menu. When lines are selected on the map, their coordinates are copied to the clipboard.

Graph View

The graph view shows functions or relationships pertinent to your current sampling design. Certain graphs have interactive features . Explore the Options / Graph menu to see all the special graph settings available. You can copy the graph to the clipboard as a bitmap by using the Edit / Copy menu. Right-click on the graph view to present a popup menu of view options.

Report View

The report view shows a summary and details pertinent to your current sampling design. You can modify the sensitivity parameter table by right-clicking on the screen. You can copy the report to the clipboard in rich text format by using the Edit / Copy menu.

The source files for the various reports are contained in the Reports folder and can be customized. See report format codes and report preprocessor commands for technical details.

Coordinate View

The coordinate view shows the coordinates of sampling locations used in your current sampling design. You can copy sample coordinates and other sample information to the clipboard by using the Edit / Copy menu. New samples can be added to the sampling design by importing coordinates and other sample information from the clipboard by using the Edit / Paste menu. Sample Data Format.

Room View

The room view shows the current room in one of three ways: perspective, wall-strip, or splayed. You can copy a picture of the room to the clipboard by using the Edit / Copy menu.

Please refer to the Quick-Start Guide for a hands-on tutorial of other topics.